Cookies Policy
This website, like most websites on the Internet, uses both its own and third-party cookies, as well as other similar technologies, which implies the processing of personal data in accordance with applicable European and Spanish regulations. Below you will find basic or essential information about the cookies that we and our partners use specifically, and how to manage your consent and rejection choices.
If you wish to contact us regarding our cookie policy, you can do so at
Cookies are small files that are sent and stored on the hard drive of the user's computer, smartphone, tablet or connected television through their browser when connected to a website.
Cookies can be used to collect and store user data while connected to facilitate the services requested and that are not usually kept (session cookies), or to preserve user data for other types of future services that can be preserved indefinitely (persistent cookies). The cookies can be own or from third parties.
Their functions can be very varied: store your browsing preferences, collect statistical information, allow certain technical features, and so on. Sometimes, cookies are used to store basic information about the browsing habits of users or their devices, to the extent, depending on the case, of being able to recognize them.
Cookies are useful for several reasons. From a technical point of view, they allow web pages to work more efficiently and adapted to user preferences, such as storing their language or the currency of their country. In addition, they can help those websites owners to improve the services they offer, thanks to the statistical information they collect through them.
The use of cookies is governed by the obligations provided for in the second section of article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (hereinafter, LSSI), in relation to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, General Data Protection (hereinafter, RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD).
Personal data processing will be considered to exist when the user is identified by a name or email address that identifies him (for example, because he is a registered user) or when unique identifiers are used to distinguish some users from others and to track them individually (for example, an advertising ID or an IP address).
The foregoing shall not prevent possible storage or access of a technical nature for the sole purpose of allowing only communication between the user's equipment and the network, for the provision of a service expressly requested by the recipient.
Likewise, measurement cookies to obtain traffic or performance statistics are exempt if they comply with the duty to have a purpose strictly limited to the exclusive measurement of the audience of the site or application. This processing must be carried out exclusively on behalf of the website owner and used to produce anonymous statistical data only.
Being excluded from the scope of application of article 22.2 of the LSSI, it would not be necessary to inform or obtain consent about their use.
On the contrary, it will be necessary to inform and obtain consent for the use of any other type of cookies, both own and third-party, session or persistent, that are not outside the scope of application of article 22.2 of the LSSI.
ARPE uses its own and third-party cookies on its websites.
There are several types of cookies:
TECHNICAL COOKIES: are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it, including those that the publisher uses to allow the management and operation of the website and enable its functions and services.
The use of this type of cookies does not imply a processing of personal data nor are they subject to consent.
ARPE uses the following technical cookies on this website:
REGISTRATION COOKIES: that are generated when you register or login on a website. They are proprietary cookies that identify you as a registered user and indicate when you have identified yourself on the website.
These cookies are used to identify your user account and associated services. These cookies are maintained as long as you do not leave the account, close the browser or turn off the device.
These cookies can be used in combination with analytical data to individually identify your preferences in our website.
PREFERENCE OR PERSONALIZATION COOKIES: are those that allow us to remember information for the user to access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate their experience from that of other users, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to be shown when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the service or the region from which he accesses the service, etc.
As the user himself who chooses these characteristics, it is considered a service expressly requested by the user and, therefore, they are not subject to consent.
ARPE does not use personalization cookies on this website.
ANALYSIS OR MEASUREMENT COOKIES: are those that, treated by us or through third-party services, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the service offered. To do this, your browsing on our website is analyzed in order to improve its usability and the presentation of the products or services we offer.
The lawfulness of the treatment is based on the legitimate interest of the person responsible for the treatment since aggregated data are used without direct identification of the users (the access IP address is anonymized), and are used only for a strictly statistical purpose. Consent will be given through any positive action that involves continuing with the navigation, such as accessing other pages, and includes the possibility for users to express their refusal to use it.
ARPE uses the following analysis cookies to know and improve the use made of our websites.
GEOLOCATION COOKIES: that are used by programs that try to geographically locate the situation of the computer, smartphone, tablet or connected television, to offer you anonymous content and services in a totally anonymous manner.
ARPE does not use geolocation cookies on this website.
MARKETING OR BEHAVIORAL ADVERTISING COOKIES: are those that, treated by us or by third parties, store information on the behavior of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which would allow us, for example, to develop a specific profile to show advertising based on this.
The use of this type of cookies can only be done with express consent.
ARPE does not use marketing cookies or behavioral advertising on this website.
OTHER THIRD-PARTY COOKIES: in some pages we might install third-party cookies that allow us to manage and improve the services they offer. An example of this use are social networks buttons that allow us to share our content.
ARPE does not use other third-party cookies on this website.
You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your internet browser. In the event that you block them, it is possible that certain services that need their use are not available to you.
Below we offer links where you will find information on how you can activate your preferences in the main browsers:
Internet Explorer (
SAFARI FOR IOS (iPhone, iPad) (
It is possible that we update the Cookies Policy of our Website, so we recommend that you review this policy each time you access our Website in order to be adequately informed about how and why we use cookies.